
Wednesday, February 20, 2013

A Little Bit About Me and About the Blog

So, I suppose the first thing to do is to explain what this blog is all about.  It's about me and my journey to finding my own magic.  I will be studying The Craft during this year long adventure, and I have decided to use this to both share my experiences  and hopefully help others along the way, as well as the create my own sort of Book of Mirrors.  I plan to share everything I learn, as it was a long and difficult process to obtain the knowledge myself, and I hope to help other seekers of this enlightenment by making it more accessible.

And now I feel I should explain who I am.  I am a human on the precipice of something I yearn for, something I sense will bring me utter fulfillment.  It's been a couple of years since I started dabbling in The Craft, and everything about it rings true to me.  I was raised in a Southern Baptist community, and  as such, had never explored The Divine.  And then, completely on accident, I stumbled across Scott Cunningham.  This man set in motion the beginning of a quest for knowledge that has driven me for quite a while now.
I recommend reading his books, as they lay a fantastic foundation on what The Craft is and what it represents.  He is far more eloquent than me but, I will try my best to explain it all.

The Craft, or Wicca, as many call it, is a nature religion.  It is a celebration of the cycles of the Earth Mother, and a practice of all the magic we humans posses.  We are all gods and Goddesses ourselves, as we are born from The Divine.  It is beautiful and powerful, and it rings true in me in ways Nothing else ever has.  It is something I feel anyone who wants it has the right to posses, and so, in this blog, I will try to grant anyone who seeks it, the Majesty that is The Craft.

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