Okay, here is a simple meditation that anyone can do. It's going to take a bit of practice, so don't worry if you can't focus your first time. It's like learning something new, be calm and easy on yourself.
To start with you can light some incense and play some calming music, though neither are necessary what ever makes you comfortable. Also make sure to do this in soft lighting, such as a lamp, or even better, a candle. Be sitting up or laying down, and start to clear your mind. Focus on your breathing. Breath in for 7, hold for 4, breath out for 7.
Continue this until ready to move on, imagine yourself sitting beneath a tree, by a river, in the sunlight. Feel the nature around you, the sun on your toes, the babbling water, the grass beneath you. Feel yourself sink into the tree and become one with it. Let the sunlight move from your leaves, turning to energy, and channel its way though you. Let it work down your trunk into your roots, and out to the soil.
When you are ready come back, breathing in 7, holding for 4, and breathing out for 7. This is an excellent exercise for grounding your magical energy that you raise during spells and rituals. Meditating should be done regularly, around the same time. It helps connect you to Nature, and thus divinity. As I said earlier, don't be discouraged if you can't do it the first few tries, it just takes practice.
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